Your house is one of your largest assets. Hiring an agent is a necessity to help you complete all the steps that go into selling a home! I take the weight off your shoulders by scheduling showings, working with potential buyers, taking care of paperwork, and selling at a price that is often times higher than if you were to sell on your own. Here are some helpful selling tips:
prepare your house
Take time to maintain any repairs, get rid of clutter and deep clean everything!
Know your price
It's important to find out how much your home is worth and also take into consideration the current state of the market. I can help ensure your home is priced right.
Stage your home
Staging helps potential buyers envision themselves living in your home. As part of my service, I professionally stage your home at no extra cost. If you don't have items of your own for the staging, I can bring them to you!
Market your home
Did you know most buyers find the home they purchase on the internet? I offer an entire marketing plan to all of my clients!
NEgotiate offers
When an offer has been made you can accept, deny, or come back with a counter-offer. As your agent, I am representing you! My priority is to help get you the maximum value of your home.
Before closing you will need to get a home inspection, title search, property survey and any other inspections that may be required. After those procedures have taken place, you can finally close! All that is left is finalizing paperwork.
TONYA ALLEN | Better Homes and Gardens The Good Life Group
402-578-2150 | OMAHA, NEBRASKA

Better Homes & Gardens | The Good Life Group Real Estate